Principal Message


Mrs. Neetu Yadav

- Principal

There is no task of greater importance than to give our children the very best preparation for the demands of an ominous future.Education in its largest sense is an act or experience that has a formative effect on the body, mind and soul of an individual. It is a process by which society deliberately transmits its accumulated knowledge, skills and values from one generation to the next.Children are the future of our country. By investing in children basic education we contribute to country development and create a literate and self-sufficient society.Globalization and modernization have taken the imperative values at a back seat. They are getting eroded from our education system. As teachers, as nation builders, we should focus our concern to make education a forceful tool for the cultivation of social and moral values. Education should not include only training of intellect but also the refinement of the heart and discipline of the spirit.

Mrs. Neetu Yadav
Principal (New State Academy)

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